Preserving the Most Important Classic Features of these Historic Occasions: International, Inclusive, Technology, Education, Fun, Rides, Shows and Snacks
Differences Between Previous Fairs
There is an admission Charge. There is a fence around the perimeter. There are large, temporary, expensive pavilions. Participants are large corporations and governments. Visitors are mostly passive observers and consumers. The intention of exhibitors is to dazzle and impress. This takes place for some months over one or two years heavy initial expenses make economic viability rare. The residual benefits of momentary events are few. There will be long waits to enter complex busy exhibits. It will take several years of planning to participate. Surrounding communities barely participate or benefit. There is no control over the healthfulness of food etc. The “World” has to come to you from somewhere else. There is no meaningful interaction among exhibitors. The emphasis is on the proprietary and the profitable. The Industrial Scale World is what matters most here. We are taught that seriousness is the opposite of fun Everybody has to come to this place to participate.
This One Planned for 2019.
It is in a public park and admission is free. There are pesky highways but no walls. There are mobile traveling exhibits on wheels. They may sponsor individuals and small groups. There are continuous opportunities to interact with. Presenters aim to motivate others to join them. This activity becomes a part of this park and others. This low-cost approach guarantees solvency. This is the start of new transport infrastructure. Numerous small-scale opportunities will proliferate. Exhibitors can decide at any time to be involved. All surrounding neighborhoods are a part of this. Here is proof that good tasting can be good for you. People from everywhere are already in Queens. Open Forums on Human Powered Vehicle design. The public’s interest in its own public space is key. The Human Scale dimension is the one we live in. Yet Human-Powered Transportation is a lot of both. This happens here and there and online and off.