Find some old, discarded, broken, or unused bikes of any description.

Find a pad of paper and a pencil or pen and look in the library for helpful information.
Begin to imagine what a different kind of vehicle might look like and how it might work.
Call a friend or two so that this can begin to be a cooperative group project
Make a poster with an email describing this project and what you hope to accomplish.
Find some unused space to work or put the request for one on the information poster.
Contact local hardware, and second-hand stores, to ask them to contribute needed materials.
Offer all local businesses the opportunity to sponsor and provide resources for the group.
Collect a basic hand and power tool kit and selection of nuts and bolts, tape, epoxy, etc.
Offer other locals, with an interest in this process, the opportunity to become involved.
See if there are engineers, mechanics, artists, craftspeople, or anyone willing to pitch in.
Let the local media know what you are doing so they can publicize and help you.
Post your progress on so you can invite comments and help.
Follow the advances that other groups are making and continue to learn from them.
Bring local officials into the picture and encourage them to pursue your ideas seriously.
Learn the history of transportation in this country and how it has been manipulated.
Give everybody rides in your vehicle and begin re-evaluating and re-designing it.
Use the experience of the following something from idea to reality to solve other problems.
Establish the value of believing in yourself and learning to be as creative as possible.
Persuade all local educational establishments to consider beginning their own project.
Work to use the results of these efforts to bring forth actual enterprises and products.
Ride around and show off what you have done in order to inspire more similar efforts.